Most Frequent Homeowners Claims

Did you know wind is the most common cause of homeowners claims? Data from Travelers spanning the last five years found that wind accounted for 26% of claims year-round. Since wind damage is so common (and destructive), wind coverage on your homeowners policy is essential. Pruning your trees and reinforcing your home’s structures and windows is also key to preventing severe wind damage.

Non-weather water was the next most common risk, at 23% of home claims. And in the fall, it is the most frequent claim! Non-weather water damage involves plumbing, sewer, or appliance leaks and failures. The best way to prevent this damage is to inspect and maintain all appliances that use water regularly. This includes air-conditioning systems, water heaters, bathtubs, refrigerators, pipes, and hoses, to name a few. Also, make sure the main shut-off valve for your main water supply is functioning properly.

Hail made up 18% of home claims year-round, followed by weather-related water at 12%, like frozen pipes and leaky roofs. Of course, weather is uncontrollable. Being prepared against weather-related damage means being protected — which means having adequate coverage on your homeowners policy.

More on Travelers’s findings here.

Trust us: a little caution goes a long way!

Give us a call at 617-965-1830 if you have any questions about your homeowners policy.

3 Advantages of Flood Insurance

When floods strike, you can be sure that there will be loss and damage to property. Fortunately, you can avoid out-of-pocket repairs by investing in flood insurance from Smoller Insurance Agency of Boston, MA.

Regrettably, most homeowners don’t have flood insurance. Some think that home insurance protects them against floods only to discover the opposite when filing a claim. Others fail to buy flood insurance, hoping that the federal government will declare floods in their area a national disaster.

Are you thinking about flood insurance? You are on the right track. Here are the benefits you will accrue when you purchase this coverage.

Protects your dwelling

When you purchase flood insurance from NFIP, you get dwelling coverage of up to $250,000. Of course, if you opt for a private insurer, you can get a higher coverage limit. Flood insurance covers the following on your building:

  • Electrical and plumbing system
  • Air conditioning system
  • The building, including the foundation
  • Permanently fixed carpets

Since water damage can be expensive, financing flood damage from your pocket can drain your savings. Thankfully, with flood insurance, repair bills after flood damage are your insurer’s headache.

Protects your assets/contents

NFIP offers contents coverage of up to $100,000 and is supposed to cover the below:

  • Personal stuff, including furniture, electronics, and clothing
  • Carpeting that isn’t permanently fitted
  • Portable air conditioners, microwaves, and so on

Because it has taken you years to accumulate your assets, it would be devastating to lose them through floods. However, this can’t be the case when you have flood insurance.

For peace of mind

Who doesn’t like a peace of mind? Unfortunately, you can’t sit pretty in your home when you know that any bout of floods will set you back hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars in repairs. 

Luckily, flood insurance can take care of your worries.

Buy flood insurance today!

Would you like to protect your Boston, MA home with flood insurance? Would you please talk to Smoller Insurance Agency for an affordable quote?